Our Work
We envision a future of joy, love, justice, and collective liberation. We all have a role to play in bringing about this future – starting with how we show up today. When we cultivate inner awareness and tend to the spiritual as well as the strategic, the power we build with others and the changes we engender are deeper, more lasting, and more likely to heal the injustices that shape our current relationship to the Earth and to each other.

Grants & Investments
Hidden Leaf is investing in shared power, prosperity, and collective consciousness for the sake of human and planetary flourishing. As a movement partner, we make deep, long-term investments in our grantees, and we aim to use a broad array of investment and financial tools to move money towards the people, organizations, and movements advancing a more just, verdant, and loving world. We are also committed to bringing transformative approaches to our peers in philanthropy.

Our Work
We envision a future of joy, love, justice, and collective liberation. We all have a role to play in bringing about this future – starting with how we show up today. When we cultivate inner awareness and tend to the spiritual as well as the strategic, the power we build with others and the changes we engender are deeper, more lasting, and more likely to heal the injustices that shape our current relationship to the Earth and to each other.

Grants & Investments
Hidden Leaf is investing in shared power, prosperity, and collective consciousness for the sake of human and planetary flourishing. As a movement partner, we make deep, long-term investments in our grantees, and we aim to use a broad array of investment and financial tools to move money towards the people, organizations, and movements advancing a more just, verdant, and loving world. We are also committed to bringing transformative approaches to our peers in philanthropy.
from our grantees

“In order for our organization to play an integral role in spurring societal transformation locally, Youth United for Change’s staff and members commit to personal and collective transformation; understanding that as they wrestle with internal traumas inhibiting wholeness, they also uncover the system’s role in fostering these problems, and recognize their self-interest in addressing these issues. With each campaign YUC takes on, the goal is two-fold. First, the organization further develops the leadership of its members, builds up their resilience in the face of adversity, and spurs them to continue fighting for better conditions within their schools and communities. Secondly, YUC builds its power and capacity with each campaign, ensuring the sustainability and expanded political influence of the organization in the long run. If these goals are met, the organization acts as a catalyst for transformative change, which is the core objective of organizing.”

“We are developing sustainable leaders who are bound by trust, love, accountability and rigor, and who have the capacity for coordinated, strategic action in service of collective liberation for generations to come.”

“A main part of being prepared for a Just Transition is a commitment to getting ourselves organized – more deeply and more authentically. Our work is most effective and powerful when grounded in deep relationships; relationships where we work, grow, and transform together. We feel the importance of consistently and collectively advancing our understanding of the moment and what it calls for: sharpening our analysis of the crisis we face and building community together in the process. […] Centering sacredness and caring brings us into right relationship with each other and the web of life that we depend on. And we must usher in this transition through a deep cultural shift that reimagines dominant narratives and transforms culture towards economies based in deep relationships.”

“We are a movement institution that supports leaders to build towards the ‘big L’ Liberation we collectively seek while being present with the ‘little l’ liberation that we have access to in each moment.”

“In order for our organization to play an integral role in spurring societal transformation locally, Youth United for Change’s staff and members commit to personal and collective transformation; understanding that as they wrestle with internal traumas inhibiting wholeness, they also uncover the system’s role in fostering these problems, and recognize their self-interest in addressing these issues. With each campaign YUC takes on, the goal is two-fold. First, the organization further develops the leadership of its members, builds up their resilience in the face of adversity, and spurs them to continue fighting for better conditions within their schools and communities. Secondly, YUC builds its power and capacity with each campaign, ensuring the sustainability and expanded political influence of the organization in the long run. If these goals are met, the organization acts as a catalyst for transformative change, which is the core objective of organizing.”

“We are developing sustainable leaders who are bound by trust, love, accountability and rigor, and who have the capacity for coordinated, strategic action in service of collective liberation for generations to come.”

“A main part of being prepared for a Just Transition is a commitment to getting ourselves organized – more deeply and more authentically. Our work is most effective and powerful when grounded in deep relationships; relationships where we work, grow, and transform together. We feel the importance of consistently and collectively advancing our understanding of the moment and what it calls for: sharpening our analysis of the crisis we face and building community together in the process. […] Centering sacredness and caring brings us into right relationship with each other and the web of life that we depend on. And we must usher in this transition through a deep cultural shift that reimagines dominant narratives and transforms culture towards economies based in deep relationships.”

“We are a movement institution that supports leaders to build towards the ‘big L’ Liberation we collectively seek while being present with the ‘little l’ liberation that we have access to in each moment.”
News & Reflections
Explore the latest updates from our team and movement partners.
Explore the latest updates from our team and movement partners.
Leslie Lindo Joins the Hidden Leaf Foundation as Executive Director
Hidden Leaf Foundation is happy to announce the appointment of Leslie Lindo to the role of Executive Director. When Leslie steps into the role on January 28, 2025, she will be the third person to…
December Newsletter
In a letter from the Interim Director, Lorelei Williams reflects on the transformative power of Oya, the Yoruba orixá of wind and storms, as a metaphor for the current political and social climate.…
Join our team! Hidden Leaf Foundation seeks its next Executive Director
Hidden Leaf Foundation seeks a relational, values-aligned, and emotionally intelligent leader to serve as its next Executive Director advancing the mission to promote inner awareness within…